Rivers and harbors
After a hectic two weeks, I was finally able to spend some time on the Milwaukee River Saturday. The first spot I hit produced a spunky steelhead and a big buck coho (both on spawn sacs). Sunday after spending the morning in the woods and not seeing anything I headed down to Racine to meet up with Jacek of team Jacek and Zibi for some harbor brown trout fishing. At our first spot I missed two takedowns with a bobber and spawn. After an hour or so we decided to move spots. Once set up in our second spot it didn't take long for Jacek to miss two hits on a tube jig under a bobber. We went another 45mins with no action before Jacek tied into a very colorful female brown trout. At 2:00pm I decided to call it a day. Overall it was a very tough day but can't complain about helping net one fish. With the up coming cold temps at night will really help kick the browns and steelhead into gear in the harbors.