It's been a busy summer
Sorry all for the lack of updates but it has been quite the busy summer between going full time at work, going back to school full time and running charters.
Fishing has been pretty good on the big lake with good mixed bag catches. The kings have been a little spotty but they are chewing when you find them. Spoons have started taking more fish than flasher flies. The tricky thing is one day the bite is in 200fow the next it's in 80fow.
Salmon-A-Rama was a long week and we had to fish out of the Whitewater Express as the Free Radical had to get a new Starboard engine put in. Day one during the Super Sweepstakes, I was lucky enough to stick a 26lb chinook which was good enough for big fish of the Sweeps and Southwest Salmon Series. Andy, Nate and I were able to put a nice box together and with our three species, took 2nd place in the Series. Throughout the week we worked our tails off covering a lot of water but weren't able to secure a fish big enough for the overall winner.
The last Saturday of the tournament, i was able to get my client on a healthy 18lb brown which put him just outside of the money.
I have been running a few inland trips for bluegills, bass and pike. With the water being 80deg, the bite has been pretty tough but clients have been happy taking home a few fish fry's of bluegills and perch. Bass and pike have been taken on spinner baits being slow rolled down drop offs along with pulling 13Fishing plastics.
Now it's time to gear up for the fall fun. My dates are very limited and booking up very quickly. Don't hesitate to give me a call or text to book your trip.