Fall Update
With fall showing it's face, I finally have half a second to give all of you an update after a long summer of charters and tournaments. ...

Cold temps have the trout chomping!
This weekend was pretty epic, lots of steelhead caught in the river along with a handful of harbor browns. i still have openings for...

River Kings
Good news is the kings have shown up in the river. Even though we desperately need rain, the fish are on the move. I decided to stomp...

Hook Shots
I had the pleasure of filming an episode of Hook Shots with Joe Cermele of Field and Stream this week. Needless to say in typical Hook...

River Steelheading
Needless to day this past week has been nothing shore of amazing when it comes to early spring steelheading. Monday along between three...

Steelhead Smackdown!!!!!
This past weekend was just a blast catching quality steelhead. Friday I met up with fellow Creek Candy Bead Company Pro Staffer Anthony...

Temps are cooling down but the fishing is heating up
Friday was nothing short of phenomenal on the river. Between my buddy and I we went 9 for 12 with two bonus brown trout (one not quite...

River Steelhead and Brown Trout Heating UP!
The fall push of brown trout and steelhead are starting to make a strong presence in the rivers of S.E. Wisconsin. The trick has been...

Swinging streamers for kings
Yesterday i spent the morning on the river swinging streamers for kings, looking for the aggression strike. Between Nolan, Kelsey and I...

River Brown Trout and Chinooks
Yesterday I met my buddy (photographer) and his girlfriend on the river in search of Browns and chinooks. As I was standing on the bank...