New Batch Of Coho Salmon
While I was at work last night watching the rain pelt the windows I knew it was only a matter of time before the rivers I fish bumped up in flow causing a new batch of fish to come in. I spent the entire night watching the stream flow gauge like a hawk until 0700 when I got out of work. With Grant Park being the most active with current, I decided to start there in the up stream sections. That proved to be a very good choice. In three drifts with the fly rod and's Flash candy fly I had tied into three cohos. You think I could keep any of them buttoned up? NOPE! The area I was fishing is up stream of a very crowded hole and to insure no one could clue into what I was doing I decided to try horsing these coho's instead of chasing them into the main pool. Finally, my fourth fish being a small 3lb buck entered my Frabill Conservation Series net. It's amazing how much more these little guys fight while in the net than in the water. Needless to say he went back into the water before I could snap a picture. I proceeded to tie into a few more fish and popping them off before another colorful buck inhaled my flash candy. The next fish after him was a smaller, still pretty silver female with eggs still in the skein. I figured I had hooked every single fish in that hole (3-9) and decided to venture down river to try the deeper holes for steelhead and brown trout. The first and last hole I hit resulted in no fish hooked up but there were a bunch of cohos jumping and moving around. For being November 13th, I can see coho's being in the river all the way till December, especially with more rain in the forecast for this week.